The primary source used connects positive associations with Confederate sympathizers from the past and today. But most of all because we enjoy designing.". It offers us the chance to experience and learn from different cultures, to evolve our ideas, to gain a better understanding of the relationship between humans and architecture.". Jessica Martins, Catarina Pereira and Ins Lopes from Portugal! "We believe that participating in design competitions is essential to building community. Guido Mitidieri and Venessa Mok from Finland! Based on this, the process from conception to completion of a proposal could be so fascinating. These give us more creative possibilities and space to explore. "Architecture competitions can help to develop new ways of thinking and compare your work with other professionals. ", "The main reason why I participate in architectural competitions is , that allows me to try and reflect on new fundamental conceptual ideas, as well as to understand and refine my creative process by experimenting with different tools and methods. They give us the opportunity to talk with our inner self, to work on our decision-making, and fight our self-doubt. ". We believe that, by working on these projects, we are able to communicate our designs, and hopefully it will help us to grow more in experience and somedaycreate what we could call our own architectural firm.". This way, competitions invite innovation.". ", "I usually don't participate in competitions, but the topic of solving affordable housing (simultaneously with the problem of sprawl) is near and dear to me as someone who values nature's role in cities, and wishes for everyone to be able to live with dignity and comfort. ", "Participation in architecture competitions is an opportunity to promote and emphasize the value of interdisciplinary practice. "Currently, all of our ongoing projects are in Canada and to be specific in the Greater Toronto area; so we are trying to explore new contexts.". Besides the benefit of exploring ideas and representational methods beyond the sometimes-banal day-to-day tasks of the profession, competitions allow me the opportunity to demonstrate who I am as an architectural designer, from the selection of competition briefs and sites to the choice of materials and organizational strategies, to the final panel layouts. "Architecture competitions provide a great venue for experimentation and development of our skills as well as the opportunity to test our ideas among other individuals who have a similar motive. Student interview includes at minimum 10 questions, Student transcribes the interview by providing a written account or recorded audio, Student is able to include a new perspective on one of these three events from interview, Student is able to identify at least one additional marker/symbol of a story that should be told based upon the interview with family member. By being free from supervision, preconceived ideas, or expectations, we feel closer to the nature of architecture. It was highly instructive to design a building in the framework of structural, practical, and environmental boundaries. Michalina Linkowska, Zuzanna Zdanowicz and Joanna Spychaa from Poland! They are a chance to take risks and to work with different people in different ways. Salmahira Lazuardi, Abdul Aziz and Alief Brahmarizky Roseno from Indonesia! For my office, its the way our work becomes part of a global community.". ", "To me, every architecture competition is an uncharted journey and challenge. We could say that competitions are to everyday architecture what competitive sport is to everyday fitness training. Farshid Moussavi, writing on competitions in Architectural Review in 2013. ", "The participation in this architecture competition was a part of a university project. ", "Through architectural competitions, we can better, and to some extent more freely, show our creativity. Yet fondness is found where fail is at its most spectacular. ". Also, it is the best resource for us to express our design capability to the public.". Shahram Arashzad and Fatemeh Kazemi from United States! Jessica Michelle Rithika Anand, Tiffany Chen and Angelina Zhang from United States! It can help broaden your horizons and creativity. The control point must be identifiable on the map and on the ground. Aleksandra Kubiak and Marta Buchner from Poland! They played cosmic "connect the dots" to establish patterns that looked like animals, gods, goddesses, and heroes, creating constellations.They also created stories to go along with these star patterns, which became the basis for many of the myths that have passed . Therefore, we do try to participate in international architecture competitions to gain more practice.". Annika Mbs Johanna Spies von Bullesheim from Germany! It helps to facilitate change in the profession through exposure and discussion, as well as ones own professional growth. Patxi Jauregui, Ana Elizalde, Mnica Muoz and Yael Gonzalez from Mexico! Though the outcome of the course is not to submit for the competition, its really great because it gives students the opportunity to participate if they wish.". And because it reminds me of being in architecture school, a time I will always cherish. Our line of work is still developing and is very dependent on current trends, which is why it is easy to lose focus. "Architecture competitions are opportunities for us to test new ways of representation and design. In our day-to-day practice, we miss having the freedom to have a complete control over the vision. ", ICELAND THERMAL SPRINGS GUEST HOUSE competition. It is also a challenge to engage with a subject rarely encountered in everyday practice.". ", "We decided to participate in this contest to test our abilities as young architects.". "It is a really good option to start your career and to exercise designing and team-working. "We believe that this kind of gesture makes reality better. Antonio Salvi, Francesco Polci, Filippo Pecorai and Antonello Boschi from Italy! ", "I understand competitions as a mental exercise, in which you ask, think and reflect on the search for universal solutions to specific isolated problems.". It is a way to express our commitment to humanistic ideas and an active professional attitude to architecture. Competing keeps us on our toes.". ", "We believe that it is important to participate in competitions as a working professional, because they keep you tethered to the importance of design and narrative so that as you grow, you understand how pragmatic reality and conceptual design come together to help make you a more powerful thinker and competent maker as an architect.". "By participating in the competitions, it is great opportunity to go out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. Bogi Kovcs, Anna Gassner and Zsolt Krausz from Hungary! It gives you an opportunity to try different approaches and experiment which is definitely something you dont see every day.". Competitions also give you the opportunity to design spaces that can be different from what you usually design. ", "I wanted to challenge and express myself in a project carried out autonomously without university supervision. Domenico Francesco Lio from United States! "Architecture vision competitions allow us to consider the built environment abstractly in order to address global issues concerning the design of cities and the state of the built environment separately from our practice as a professional service. Tommy Nam andEujean Cheong from United States! Tsz Wing Wu and Wesley Fung from Hong Kong! I entered so that I could regain some autonomy over the type of design practice I wish to engage in. It is a way to gather knowledge about problems all around the world, get educated about different cultures, history and ways of life. We also enjoy that we can experience working on projects in different parts of the world. Among the first victims of persecution in Nazi Germany were political opponentsprimarily Communists, Social Democrats, and trade unionists. "Competitions are a great opportunity to engage our skills and broaden our perspectives through research. It not only allows us to see other approaches to one single topic but also gives us a chance to work purely on our terms without any limit to creativity, which we find extremely stimulating as thriving architecture students.". Built in 2011, the towers are gorgeous examples of minimalist architecture and are used as a higher vantage point to view nature and look out for the fabled lake monster Selma that is Norways answer to the Loch Ness Monster. "We decided to participate in architecture competitions because it allows us to think creatively without any constraints, especially when we are faced with projects that might be out of our comfort zone. And Buildner gives us an opportunity to do so.". Second of all, we aim to take part in a wider, maybe even international, discussion about what architecture can give to spaces and people. In densely built-up areas, most individual buildings are omitted and an area tint is shown. In this case we participate because the opportunity represents a taboo subject for society, policy and the law; addressing this taboo subject with the tool of architectural.". Edbert Cheng and Ivory Wang from United States! We also use them to help hone our drawing and communication skills; this is important when teaching our students. ", "We want to practice beyond our limits, have fun, and tell stories by using architecture and design. This kind of competitions can test our passion and love for architecture and brings a reality check due to the clients specifications.". We, architects are lucky that there are available competitions where we can express our creativity and leave the commercial boundaries behind. It helps to facilitate the change in the profession through exposure and discussion, as well as ones own professional growth. Bryce Suite and Rta Daubure from United KIngdom! Competition help us think in a wider variety of perspectives that we never did before. Mengru Wang and Rachel Reinhard from United States! MICROHOME2019 - SMALL LIVING, HUGE IMPACT! Perhaps most importantly they offer a fun excuse to practice how we illustrate and explain our ideas both graphically and verbally which is critically important for the success of a small firm.". They stimulate creativity among individuals or teams regardless of their professional experience and background. Elin Schnipper and Benjamin Alstrup Velure from Sweden! Competition usually puts architects in a position of searching for questions before coming up with a solution. In the case of the Monte Doiro Hotel, it was a challenge to continue the previous studies of wine architecture in the low-density suburban environment. Schools are training us for the professional world, so we will have a very certain theme and specific requirements which can be constraining sometimes. Generally, we get to design things that we do not regularly have a chance to design sometimes for places and users we do not get to think about. "Competing in architecture grants freedom, which would not be possible in other ways. ", "It is a good chance to train critical thinking and creativity. This stimulates the imagination and the creative mind. "We were interested in the unique site situation and program. "We participated in this competition because it gave us a chance to exercise our muscles on a different project type and in a different context. The start of a new project is always very exciting and the competition format, where we only get feedback in the end, makes it even more thriling. Also, the freedom to pursue my own ideas. Ola Spangen, Rikke Sandbugt, Marius Erikstad and Kathinka Magnus from Norway! ", "As recently graduated architects, participating in architecture competitions is important because it allows us to keep imagining possibilities and stretching the limits of architecture, without barriers and restrictions; something that can be limited in the professional field once there are budgets and clients involved. I participate in architectural competitions to immerse into a creative process, guided by a set of difficult challenges, and to bring to life a solution and response that did not exist before. "Architectural competitions allow a sense of freedom to test my own ideas and inventions, free from client constraints and agendas of office life. "Participating in competitions helps us make these discoveries. "Actively participating in competitions helps to broaden the mind and understand architecture from different perspectives. 51938295. "We enjoy participating in Architectural Competitions as we see them as a healthy, refreshing way of putting our ideas out in the open, and a constant stimulus to move forward from from what we have already accomplished within our realm.". "Architecture competitions are a beautiful training exercise for professional practice. ", "Architecture competitions are a great way to explore personal interests, test strategies, and have more creative freedom. ", "An architecture vision competition make us go to the essence of an idea, we have to translate it as directly as we can. You have little chance to implement what you imagine. From the eager exploration of new cultures, sites and history to the absolute freedom to express oneself fully without constraints. The competition was a way to take our two different personalities and see what cohesive idea could come out of it. Banny Fabian Sandoval Salinas from Chile! They force you to explore different concepts and cultures and simply are an amazing experience in themselves. ", "Architectural competitions allow me to challenge myself. Cuong Hoang, Hiep Che, Giang Vu and Duong Dang from Australia! Kaylee Lamb, Alexander Johnsson, Palina Siarheyeva and Kristina Striewe from Sweden! The competitions are the best chance to call the attentions to adaptive and parametric architecture, and let them see the future from our perspective. The whole process is not smooth and difficult, but there are definitely gains.". The architecture competition can make this possible.". We target specific subjects that help us expand our portfolios and where we can implement our research in complex geometries and sustainable design.". ", "Within such a competitive field as architecture, engaging in competitions, challenges us at a professional and individual level. Explain that the N stands for "north." Competitions such as SKYHIVE provide us with an opportunity to work outside traditional requirements, while also with constraints that challenge us to be innovative in creating solutions.". "These competitions offer a safe playground for our ideas, visions to fly freely. Simultaneously, its an opportunity to explore and express the new concepts that we have not attempted on our daily basis projects. We love how the boundaries of ideas can be pushed by the collective, beyond any limits that we could individually have conceived.". Jolanda Devalle and Alison Zuccaro from United States! Ideally this resonates with others, and we see how others responded to the exact same parameters.". If I cant stop thinking, I participate. "We wanted to participate in architecture competitions because we think it is a great opportunity to challenge ourselves with new design problems outside of school. "Competitions allow us to focus on the experimental, for me it is a challenge revolving around re-questioning boundaries and norms of the discipline. "Participating in architecture vision competitions gives us a chance to explore further in various international projects. "Architecture competitions allow a unique opportunity to explore the capability of architecture, somewhat removed from the pressures of regular work. Fabian De Vriendt, Arnout Stevens and Mathias Spiessens from Belgium! Its a tremendously exciting thing to be a part of and the competition gave us just that opportunity.". They also allow me to test my creative problem-solving skills through unconventional briefs I might otherwise not be exposed to. ", COLUMBARIUM - THE CHAMBER OF MEMORIES competition, "Making a project is just like making a puzzle with infinite solutions in the eyes of everyone, but just a few solutions in your eyes. So you can do (nearly) whatever you like and try the concept of your dreams. They are often the only formula for expressing creativity without inhibition. Participating in architectural competition also challenges our idea in a bigger world that we can see where we/our idea/our architecture practice stand. "They are a challenge that lets you work beyond your own abilities and they give an opportunity to design in an often unique environment. Even if the odds of winning are slim, its a great experience to give something your whole attention and engage the whole process of envisioning a piece of architecture. Gl koc GmbH interior design + construction services from Germany! "We believe, that attending architecture competitions can be a great opportunity to showcase your ideas and visions to a wider audience and broaden your own knowledge and- gain experience. The fun of it is that design for competitions need not exist in exact reality. "It makes me think of a collective brainstorming session. ", "Vision competitions give a freedom to develop or rethink our ideas. Melody Chu and Deedee Chung from the United States! "Competition work is an opportunity to engage with often interesting narratives and contexts outside of your everyday experience. Theyre great prompts to hone your skills, define ideas and collaborate with friends. ", "Architecture competitions give us a lot of adrenaline. Kaon Ko, Hiroki Kondo, Yuki Matsubara and Satoshi Hotsumi from Japan! They are a great opportunity to sharpen our workflow and organizational skills, while tackling new and interesting topics. There is a presence of the unknown, and the only thing guiding you is your sense. Standing 39 feet tall, the structures all face inwards towards the lake and were designed to blend in with the landscape. Participation in competitions allows us to be involved in the new history of architecture, be in the context, and keep up with its development.". We think that besides the practice that we gain from these competitions, participating in them is a good way of observing how others perceive a task and respond to the same challenge. "We participate in different architecture vision competitions to continue to work on and improve our skills while sometimes doing less conceptual work at our daytime jobs. To develop an idea and take it though until the end without losing it during the trip, is very easy in this type of competition and it attracts us especially. Joana Correia and Guillaume Boitier from France! "Most of the time I work on real projects, for this type of competition can be really refreshing for the mind. "We believe competitions are a platform for us to express our thoughts on social issues with architecture. We saw that the current system is imperfect. "It allows us to experiment and try out new concepts and ideas. "We think that entering an architecture competition like this means exploring new and innovative design ideas, without the constraints that other types of projects often have. The spirit of competition, which I believe should live in the heart of every architect, is a driving force for me.". Dealing with such interesting topics has a very refreshing effect on the everyday-work and on our community as well. We feel that competitions allow us to think in new ways, examine our process and explore alternative means of graphic communication. By participating in architecture competition, we can also expand our view and perception on how different solutions are considered by different culture and society.". ", LONDON AFFORDABLE HOUSING CHALLENGE competition, "We participate in architecture vision competitions as part of our ongoing research for new housing typologies. ", "Participating in competitions is a perfect opportunity to face this challenge, developing new ideas, evolving personal perspectives, acquiring new capacities and tools. It is a way for us to practice agile thinking, a chance to play, a way of developing a collective thinking and of connecting to a larger international architecture community. Pavel Nishchanka, Olga Dolinina, Yuri Korolev and Yuliya Nesviatayeva from Belarus! "In our opinion, architectural competitions are the best method of selecting a project. "I believe competitions are about finding ones voice and place within the discipline. It gives us the freedom to venture into our very own obsessions. Martin van der Vijver, Baktash Ibrahimi and Bas van Oosterom from Netherlands! "Participating in competitions helps to experience the joy of working with others to complete a task in practice. It first appeared in Ghana in the seventeenth century and has traditional ceremonial usage. "We always participate in this kind of competitions to test and improve our abilities. Nick Butterfield, Tom Butterfield, Will Butterfield and Angela Butterfield from United Kingdom! These are opportunities for competition and research, which allow us to get to know places, cultures and new ideas. The fixed deadline and topic forces you to operate in a way as you would with a client but with much greater freedom. Whilst they are grounded in contemporary issues, they allow for the freedom to engage in a far more conceptual way. For the agency, this has always made it possible to freely explore fields of ideas and to shape new concepts. ", Kemeri National Park Observation Tower competition. Jad Silvester, Penny Fuller, Bruce Feng and Alexandra Hopkins from Australia! In BUILDNER there are many competitions for such sites. "Architecture competitions give us a great opportunity to do something different from the daily work routine, still being engaged in our favorite occupation, experimenting and developing our skills. ", "Architecture competitions invite involvement in a range of projects that would not naturally occur when working on commissions. ", "We believe that competitions develop architectural practice. "To work with friends and learn from each other.". Weronika Kogut and Karolina Toporkiewicz from Poland! It allows architects to dream big and to spread their ideas to a global audience. As a young designer, it can be hard to publicize your own work, especially at the beginning. ", "We decide to participate in architecture competitions because we want to expand our horizons, think outside of the box, and fight creative burnout. Additionally, when I see the works of others in the competition, it sparks my interest in new viewpoints and methods of expression that I may not have been aware of before. We also find it essential as a learning tool to look at how other architects face, and resolve the same problems.". This is not always possible in your work or study projects.". Irish Feryle Barruga and Elenie Joyce Pagtulinganfrom United States! Furthermore, they often give architects the opportunity to expand their experience and portfolio on non-conventional projects that extend internationally beyond the regions of a country.". It is a job and a hobby for most of us. Dziwok Maja and Dectot Alexandra from Poland! Anna Schuler and Sofie Louise Vieth from Germany! Since everybody is now in Bangkok, so we knew this competition is a great chance for us to brainstorm and to do something stimulating.". Alexandru Ioan Patrichi, Claudia Galvan Zuluga and Iaki Omar Milln from Belgium! ", Tokyo Urban Meditation Cabins competition. The variety of proposals put forward by the various candidates also allows them to see their own approach to the project in perspective, and learn from it. This type of work should be a constant in the work of architects, as they enhance their creativity and quick problem-solving. "Participate in architecture vision competitions seems to me to be a good way to practice architecture, its spatialities and its concepts without too many constraints related to the architect profession. "Our main reason of participation is that it offers a thinking breakthrough for the way we perceive day-to-day architecture. ", THE LAST NUCLEAR BOMB MEMORIAL competition, "As junior architects in the beginning of our careers, we are starting to understand the bureaucratic world around architecture. Apart form any constraints imposed by the brief, competitions like this one, allow complete freedom to express new design styles, and typologies. "We wanted to gain more experience outside of the academic realm, but most importantly we wanted to test how we work as a team and gain more collaborative experience. An official website of the United States government. "Architectural competitions proved to be one of the best methods for me to develop as an architect. In densely built-up areas, most individual buildings are omitted and an area tint is shown. "This is a chance to create an interesting concept not defined by money. "For us participation in architecture vision competitions is a great opportunity to develop our skills and broaden our perspective. The Long Wall is really an amazing landmark and today the most celebrated symbol of China. ", Archhive: Architecture in Virtual Reality competition, "International competitions propose original and actual topics.