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Deux anciens soldats américains, Luke Denman, 34 ans, et Airan Berry, 41 ans, sont incarcérés, inculpés pour «terrorisme, conspiration, trafic d'armes de guerre et association» de malfaiteurs, et risquent 30 ans de prison. The U.S. former military officers Luke Denmnan and Airan Berry will face 20 years in prison.Venezuela’s Attorney General Tarek William Saab Friday reported that the two former U.S. military officers Luke Denmnan and Airan Berry, who participated in the failed invasion attempt in Venezuela, were sentenced to 20 years in prison.Denmnan and Berry tried to force their way into Venezuela along with 50 other citizens of the Caribbean country to overthrow President Nicolas Maduro’s government.“The U.S. former military officers confessed to the crimes of conspiracy, association, illicit trafficking of war weapons and terrorism,” Saab tweeted.These crimes appear in Venezuela’s Penal Code, and for them, the mercenaries were sentenced to 20 years in prison.The U.S. Silvercorp former members were detained in the second attempt of an attack against the Venezuelan coast.At least eight people died and half a hundred more were arrested during the search and capture of the mercenaries.“The former U.S. soldiers, who admitted their responsibility in the events, were accused by the prosecutors in the case of serious crimes,” Saab explained. Venezuelan prosecutors have ordered his arrest. Goudreau is believed to be in the U.S., where he also is under Denman and Berry, both decorated former U.S. service members, were found guilty of conspiracy, trafficking in illegal arms and terrorism, Saab said.But lawyers for the men said the hearing was marred by irregularities.Alonso Medina Roa said he was hired a month ago by the families of the two Americans but has so far been barred from meeting or speaking with his clients.
This includes humane treatment, access to adequate medical care, communication with their families and attorneys,” he said. Summary: Airan Berry, QANON CULT TERRORIST, is 42 years old today because Airan's birthday is on 05/15/1978.
Before moving to Airan's current city of Key West, FL, Airan lived in Colorado Springs CO and Fayetteville NC. The Supreme Council for Shari’ah in Nigeria, has berated the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) for allegedly taking side in the Southern Kaduna crisis. Ce dernier continue à jouir du soutien de l'état-major de l'armée, pièce-maîtresse du système politique vénézuélien, mais aussi de la Chine, de la Russie et de Cuba. Il a brandi les passeports des deux suspects, identifiés sous les noms de Luke Denman, 34 ans, et Airan Berry, 41 ans. In the past, Airan has also been known as Airan S Berry, Berry Airan, Airan M Berry and Airan Seth Berry. The incident also prompted claims that U.S. backed opposition leader Juan Guaidó had authorized Goudreau through a signed agreement to carry out the attack, executed by two of Guaidó's former political advisors in the U.S. U.S. officials have denied any role in the attack but have not said what knowledge they had about the clandestine camps in Colombia, details of which were made public by an “With the trial behind us, we are now focused on assuring that during their detainment their rights are adhered to. Les États-Unis ont estimé mardi que la tentative d'«invasion» par mer du Venezuela dénoncée par Caracas pouvait faire partie d'une «campagne de désinformation majeure» menée par le président «Nous nous efforçons d'en apprendre davantage, y compris au sujet des activités des deux ressortissants américains» dont les autorités vénézuéliennes ont annoncé l'arrestation, a déclaré un porte-parole du département d'État américain. Les autres mis en cause dans cette affaire sont vénézuéliens. Les Anglais passent à l’attaque au lever du jour et la compagnie C s’empare sans trop de difficultés d’Airan. The National Human Rights Commission has called for an end to slavery which it says still thrives in modern forms in Nigeria despite the official abolition of the scourge many decades ago. Il a brandi les passeports des deux suspects, identifiés sous les noms de Luke Denman, 34 ans, et Airan Berry, 41 ans.Plus tôt lundi, le parquet vénézuélien avait accusé l'opposant Juan Guaido, que les États-Unis et plus de 50 autres pays considèrent comme le président par intérim du Venezuela, d'avoir recruté des «mercenaires».
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