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Es ist wieder Zeit für eine Sammlung aktueller Meta Reports für das Standard-Format von Hearthstone! I don’t agree with Even Paladin being left off this list. While secret Mages are still a thorn. Durch unsere große Community findest du hier immer die beliebtesten Hearthstone Decks … After a week or so more play we'll start folding everything into the tier list proper. I've actually been having quite a bit of success with water rogue (rank 4), the main weaknesses being devolve and dragonfire (which is quite rare to come across). After playing for awhile, I'm beginning to suspect Midrange Hunter is tier 3 at best. I took the Midrange Hunter deck out for a spin on the ladder (to wrap up some daily quests) & had more success with it than I imagined 6 wins 1 loss. [Update 27.06.] My biggest struggles before the nerf were cubelocks and secret mages.

Oh secret mage I will always be your champion (even if I don't make it past rank 10). Habt ihr einen Satyraufseher beschworen und schafft es, die Kriegsgleven von Azzinoth auszuspielen, solltet ihr AAECAea5AwTMugPaxgPDvAP41gMN4LwD1MgD+a4D98gDi7oD17sD1cgDx8YD1r4D+cgDxLwD/sgD2cYDAA==Bei dem Deck handelt es sich um eine kostengünstigere Variante zum Face Hunter, die dem Original in Sachen Effektivität in nichts nachsteht. Are people really seeing that much success with Murloc Paladin? We'll give it another going over at the very start of August. 4640 MURLOC … I think there's a lot of tier four/five lists missing here that are more popular than Murloc Warlock and Highlander Priest, for example Aggro Water Rogue, Miracle Druid, and Murloc Shaman. Also präsentieren wir euch hier die aktuell Für eine bessere Strukturierung verwendet die Community verschiedene Die Effekte von “Drachenkönigin Alexstrasza”, “Brann der Dinozähmer” und “Zyphrys der Große” sind davon abhängig, keine Duplikate im Deck zu haben. Vor rund einer Woche ging das letzte Balance-Update in Hearthstone online,… Just a quick update about the recent five-card nerf. I've brought forward our mid-month review and updated the tier list to take account of a pretty fast-moving metagame. You can use the category and tag filters to further refine your selection. ?...really you have posted something of this...without words. [UPDATE]Wilder Meta-Report vom 16.06.2020 – Der Pirate Warrior dominiert! In these final days before Scholomance Academy arrives, not much has changed on the ladder. Im richtigen Moment gespielt, hindert sie den Gegner durch Einfrieren am Anlegen oder Benutzen der Waffe. thank you! Always craft cards with extreme caution in the beginning of an expansion. You can worst case boost Galakrond faster, get 4x Jeklik for heal, have 2x Kronx to pull Galakrond and devastate or have 4x ugraded Galakronds for 4 demons and weapon refresh. I tweaked it a bit for nice energy. are you by any chance update this list after the recent patch? Welche Decks sind im Wilden Format von… I wanted to share it with folks. I love this site, there's no where else that's so user friendly, has a ton of information, and player insight. Update (July 2, 2020): Tier list refresh. Removed eggs 1 each and 1 fire imp (3 dmg hurts against aggro). Morning! Just a quick update to say that we'll start ranking decks within each hero bracket after the weekend. I've made a couple of quick changes regarding Quest Rogue and Taunt Warrior as they're definitely in need of a boost. » Vorverkaufs-Pakete » Alle 135 neuen Karten » Details zur Erweiterung » Effekte von Austauschschüler » Jahr des Phönix; Karten-Preisvergleich » Hearthstone Karten kaufen Neue Themen.
I've just done a quick update which is a first pass at ranking decks within each hero bracket, with the strongest at #1. We tried to bring together a list of the best meta decks out there currently. What luck. Beide Karten sind zwar in manchen Situationen gut, aber AAECAR8CogL9sAMO7QaXCIWwA/muA5IF3gTHA8kE86cD+68D/gyoAtsJtQMAIhr müsst die Karten nicht alle einzeln bei euch im Client finden und zu euren Decks hinzufügen. Contribute Send Feedback Submit Deck Decks Top Decks; Budget Decks; Quest Decks Demon Hunter; Druid; Hunter; Mage; Paladin; Priest; Rogue; Shaman; Warlock; Warrior; Fresh Decks Scholomance Academy Top Decks Standard. It's fun! I hate to be that guy, but your Control Mage link takes you to the page for Aggro Paladin. Is the Zoo Warlock deck in tier 1 to get through the ladder quickly or because it can push high? I dont know about Malygos Druid staying tier 1 any longer. Hearthstone gives us the freedom to harness our creativity and put together ideas to outsmart our opponents and emerge victorious. 3 H. H. Hi folks. Decks will be filtering in and out of this list as we learn what is working and what isn't. Ihr könnt fehlende Karten auch herstellen. Our latest list of the best decks to play in the current meta. Decks such as odd warrior, control warlock, and even exodia mage can either game way too much armor or break your combo quite easily. With this in mind, it's super useful to have a handy tool which'll help you work out which deck is most likely to shoot you up the ladder, or at least go toe to toe with strong players.

Highlander-Decks zeichnen sich durch Wollt ihr alternative Karten nutzen, achtet auf eine AAECAR8elwj5rgOenQP8rwOKrQP/ugPhBPyjA4utA+SkA9sJtQOOrQP+rwODuQOHsAOEtgPtvgP/sAOvtwOCsQPnsAOYqQOhoQPYsgOFsQOmpQOEpwORsQP7uwMAAA==Besonders wichtig für die Spielweise des Tempo Demon Hunters ist das Ziehen neuer Karten. Cubelocks are consistently defeatable now.
The first proper update for The Witchwood is now live. General Information. Or give the deck a whirl and see if you have similar results! Hearthstone Top Decks (Tier 1) Die wirklich absolut besten Hearthstone Decks der Standard-Meta findest du in diesem Kapitel.. Es handelt sich hierbei um Tier 1 Decks. There are lots more on their way so check back soon. Discover the best Hearthstone Decks for the recent 18.0.2 Patch! Update 16.08.: VS Data Reaper Report #170, Tier-Liste von HS Top Decks und „Top Decks to Climb“ von HSReplay hinzugefügt. Entwickler Blizzard schaut natürlich ganz genau hin und reagiert entsprechend. Satyraufseher in Kombination mit Dunkelschwinge und Kampfscheusal sorgt in den ersten Zügen bereits für enormen Druck auf eurem Gegner.

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