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I assure you I’m working on it. WHY WAIT? Now you can send messages to your family and friends and express how you really feel using the Italian Emoji app.

This is one of my favorites!

That gets in the way of ones response, I’m sure of it, does me.My little brother is really funny, and does these little impressions or routines, so many times I wish a camera was on, he can go on and on, sometimes I’ve caught him without him knowing film was in motion and those are most memorable funny videos, he even laughs at them.Anyhow, I’m blabbering way too much, should you ever post a video, you just might be very proud that you conquered this fear. He comes back, alive, with a half eaten bloody foot.

Hi Klelia, I just found your site, and I love the post on Italian hand gestures!

Works everywhere. ….i’ll see what i can do, but i hate my voice, that’s why i always stick to pictures Of course I am not asking you, dear, to make a video. Problem solved.

Number of IP addresses: 50,000

Thanks for sharing. I don’t careFunny that I’ve never used most of these gestures in my lifetime, certainly not in the exact similar manner.This is a fantastic post! Oh yes, and the finger poking on the chest of the person you are talking to as well, for emphasis. He certainly started a trend in football with that one, ha ha.I’m Matteo from Italy and this is brilliant!

I’m discovering that many people know some of the gestures.. interesting. ahahaah well in Italy we dramatize everything, even the gestures Sorry for the jump in.

Have your message conversations the Italian way using emojis and gifs such as the famous 'Ma Che Cazzo' hand gesture, Nonna's 'Disgraziatu ca tammazzu', or Nonno's 'Vaffanculo'.

Works everywhere.
Italian gesture appropriate in here: Hand in my mouth ” If I catch you I’ll ruin you”!!! Glad you enjoyed it, and please show it to your Italian friends..i’m sure they’ll like it!Oh dear! The Italian Emoji app can be used in all your favorite messaging apps - iMessage, Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp Instagram, Snapchat and more. Glad you have a small part of our awkwardness in you The funniest post I have read in a long time.

Free You should make a video like someone suggested.thanks Hugh…i’m a bit uncomfortable in front of the camera for a video shame!Very interesting gestures. I have an Italian girlfriend I knowReally??

Italian Emoji's two emoji apps in one - a keyboard app for quick access when texting and a full app for sharing to social networks. share.

Totti, the famous Italian football player, is (was…sigh as he just retired)also famous for putting his finger in his mouth and suck it but that was his signature gesture after a goal, in that case, it meant nothing more than mimicking the sucking of the thumb newborn do (and it was like an homage to his kids).These umpires in England are very strict, Fognini in that moment wasn’t insulting anyone PS, just for the records, I’m not a Fognini fan, I’m a Rafa fan!Thanks for the quick reply!

I think you’ve beaten all records (even mine because sometimes I write a lot as a reply, thanks a lot for your suggestion about the video, maybe… one day I will conquer my fears!

!Loved this post!

I wish I can do the same like that , but i am just a man , who will give me sh**T but i did to traveling at the same time work but i can feel and see the world is small.

For example, what are you talking about? Have your message conversations the Italian way using emojis and gifs such as the famous 'Ma Che Cazzo' hand gesture, Nonna's 'Disgraziatu ca tammazzu', or Nonno's 'Vaffanculo'. This can be a genuine face or a fake face, depending on the circumstances. A NOTE ABOUT ALL ACCESS: Privacy is our top priority. I just started a facebook page that talks about italian, especially from an ironic standpoint.Very interesting post.

We are super weird but funny! Pay attention to catch the liar!So my dear friends! memes.

I really really like this post..I must say that international travel and on cruises tha Italians are the rudest people ever. My stepdad is Italian and I have seen many of these. Show More Comments. • Works everywhere. I have only recently watched Eat Pray Love with the Italian hand gestures!

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