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He was once the fresh face of a new political force. Di Maio’s retreat reflects a steep plunge in a trajectory that seemed to rise out of nowhere. A Fresh Bout of Italian Political Risk Puts Investors on Edge. Mr. Di Maio, however, was the exception. While he said that Vito Crimi, Italy’s deputy interior minister, would take over the party leadership in the short term, questions remain about whether Mr. Di Maio will try to stage a comeback or whether others who have been waiting in the wings will step forward.One is Alessandro Di Battista, a longtime party activist and firebrand who campaigned across Italy on his motorcycle and has called for the party to return to its anti-establishment roots.Mr.
Sunday, September 15, 2019 Nun zieht er Konsequenzen und tritt vom Parteivorsitz zurück. But foreign affairs have not exactly been Mr. Di Maio’s strong suit.Before he led the foreign ministry, Mr. Di Maio’s most notable previous foray onto the world stage was a road trip to support the Yellow Vest protesters in France. A college dropout and former soccer stadium usher, he became an early favorite in the new Five Star universe. Mr. Di Maio’s nearly-hour long speech sought to project optimism about the future of his party, which he urged to remain in the current government so that it could be properly judged, and perhaps rebound in the polls, after completing its full term in 2023. The Washington Times That move In his previous role as minister for economic development, Mr. Di Maio made several trips to Beijing to court President Xi Jinping of China, whom he referred to, perhaps counterproductively, as Mr. Ping.Mr. That coalition has proved wobbly as Mr. Salvini, an increasingly strong force of opposition, has agitated for early national elections.By Wednesday, Mr. Salvini had moved beyond attacking Mr. Di Maio, saying that “another will arrive after him,” and that Five Star voters would continue to “make it pay” for its alliance with the Democratic Party.“You will see Sunday,” he said, referring to the day of the regional elections.Mr.
Außenminister Italiens will er aber bleiben. The League’s hard-charging leader, former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, was widely believed to have engineered the previous government’s downfall on the expectation that he would emerge as the head of the next government.

He won 189 votes on the party’s online nomination platform, enough to get his name on the national ballot and put him in Parliament when Five Star shocked Italy with strong results in 2013.At age 26, Mr. Di Maio — who is often called by the nickname Gigi — became vice president of the lower house of Parliament.

Chef Sal Passalacqua draws on the traditions of his Sicilian heritage and brings in new, bold flavors to share his passion for delicious food. Fünf-Sterne-Chef Di Maio ist in seiner Partei schon lange umstritten.

Now, his exit could signal yet another government crisis.ROME — When the Five Star Movement took power in Italy in 2018, the party’s boyish and immaculately dressed political leader, His exit raises the prospect of yet another government crisis for Italy and early elections that could open the door to the hard-right leader “Today I am here to tender my resignation as the political leader of the Five Star Movement,” said Mr. Di Maio, now 33 as he delivered an often angry speech against his internal enemies in front of a backdrop reading, “the future is now.”“As far as I’m concerned,” he added, “this is only the end of a phase.”Mr.

With an emphasis on the highest quality ingredients, locally sourced, at the peak of freshness. Di Maio has been geopolitically balanced in his misnomers. See more ideas about Figurative artists, Renaissance paintings, Art. He served as a jacket-and-tie man to his party’s co-founder Beppe Grillo, a provocative comedian, as they campaigned around the country.In March 2018, under Mr. Di Maio’s leadership, the party won 33 percent of the Italian vote, and then formed a nationalist and anti-establishment coalition with Mr. Salvini’s League.The European establishment deeply feared the populist government, given the parties’ antagonism to the euro, support for Russia and opposition to European demands that Italy lower its astronomic debt.Italy’s economy struggled during their government, and the partnership took a toll on Five Star’s popularity, which fell by half.That erosion of support has not stopped under the new alliance with the Democratic Party, and in recent weeks Mr. Di Maio faced a raft of defections, some to Mr. Salvini’s party, and demands that he involve lawmakers more in decision making.

Di Maio apparently will retain his role as Italy’s foreign minister. Image By Eric J. Lyman SPECIAL TO THE WASHINGTON TIMES -

Luigi di Maio wird auch künftig die italienische Fünf-Sterne-Bewegung anführen.

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