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The state of Assam has 10.7 million Muslim followers in India. Highest Muslim Population in Different Countries. There are some grim parallels between Kristallnacht in Germany in 1938 and Delhi todayOn 9 to 10 November 1938 the German government encouraged its supporters to burn down synagogues and smash up Jewish homes, shops, businesses, schools. (Romanian)

Islamic Festivals and Holidays 2020. But we are fighting against those who have extremist views against us,” one of them said. The most insightful comments on all subjects What was written about the Prophet is the working of a sick mind with an intention to create violence,” said an opposition state legislator quoted by Al Jazeera.said the area around Murthy’s residence “resembled a war zone on Wednesday,” with “charred vehicles, shards of glass from broken windows, stones, and bricks” scattered across the deserted roads. (Slovenian) Start your Independent Premium subscription today.Are you sure you want to mark this comment as inappropriate?Independent Premium Comments can be posted by members of our membership scheme, Independent Premium. Mass detentions and torture are the norm according to the few witnesses able to report what they have seen.For 150 days after the government revoked Jammu and Kashmir’s special status, the internet was cut off and it has only been restored to a very limited degree since January. (French) to your comment. In unserem Nachrichtenticker können Sie live die neuesten Eilmeldungen auf Deutsch von Portalen, Zeitungen, Magazinen und Blogs lesen sowie nach älteren Meldungen suchen. {{#sender.isSelf}} Often the allegation is believed by the accuser and, at other times, it is simply a term of abuse. (Armenian) We respect this temple, we respect Hindus.

Authoritarian regimes, with control over most of their own media, often make such claims and, when economic statistics show the opposite, they simply fake a new set of figures. Highest Muslim Population in Different Countries. The security forces detain who they want and distraught family members complain that they cannot find their relatives or that they are too poor to visit them in prisons that may be 800 miles away.The isolation of Kashmir has largely worked from the government point of view in sealing it off from the outside world. try again, the name must be unique

Some dates may vary slightly as they are determined by the lunar calendar. Such comparisons have been frequently levelled in recent years against nationalist, authoritarian populists from the US and the Philippines to Poland to Brazil. (Belarusian) A recent study of the Indian economy noted that, while overall economic growth had supposedly risen strongly, the growth in investment, profits, tax revenues, imports, exports, industrial output and credit had all weakened in recent years.In one respect, Modi is in a stronger position than Germany after Kristallnacht. Das Staatsbürgerschaftsgesetz hatte für massive ablehnende Reaktionen bei Minderheiten gesorgt.

Zuhause sitze ich ja auch nur rum." Februar 2020, 18:51 Uhr Indien : Muslime in Angst Bei den schlimmsten anti-muslimischen Ausschreitungen in der indischen Hauptstadt Neu-Delhi seit Jahrzehnten sind … “We’re all brothers. try again, the name must be uniquePlease Get details on Muslim population and its growth in various states of India.The states of Assam and West Bengal have witnessed a rapid growth in share of Muslim population in the last decade. Darauf verweist im Gespräch mit uns Anselm Meyer-Antz, Indien-Länderreferent beim deutschen katholischen Hilfswerk Misereor. Illegal Immigration from Bangladesh has been major factor in this rapid growth of Muslim population in these two states. (Portuguese) (Czech) the same level of attention, but we have preserved this area in the interests of open debate. Indian officials also promised to punish the author of the offending Facebook post.“If anybody has written anything objectionable the law will take its course and there are so many ways in a democracy to fight for justice, but violence is not the answer. Even more threatening is the National Register of Citizens (NRC), which is likely to deprive many Indian Muslims of their citizenship. (Russian) (Japanese) Both Indian and foreign media have been reluctant to quote exactly what the post said, but its author was identified by as a man named “Naveen” whose uncle is R. Akhanda Srinivas Murthy, a member of the legislative assembly.Naveen was arrested and the Facebook post deleted, while Murthy’s home was and damaged when the demonstration turned violent. (Macedonian)

(Italian) {{#replies}} India is about 80 percent Hindu and 14 percent Muslim. John Hayward 12 Aug 2020.

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