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This data was collected by volunteers, surveys on the website and records of consumption habits. Democratic strategist During a campaign stop in October 2007, a reporter inquired as to why Obama had stopped wearing a In mid-late October 2007, Obama came under fire from the As fall 2007 continued, Obama fell further behind Clinton in national polls.Later in December, there was controversy regarding Obama's admissions of drug use as a teen.

Much of her fundraising was furthermore ineligible for primary-contest spending, and her campaign is projected to have ended the month in debt by over eight million dollars, one-quarter of that being unpaid fees to consultant On June 3, 2008, after the Montana and South Dakota primaries, Barack Obama secured enough delegates to clinch the nomination of the Democratic party for president of the United States.Montana and South Dakota – wrapping up the nominationPrimary voting, delegate count, and voter demographicsControversies, allegations, and rumors during the primary campaignMontana and South Dakota – wrapping up the nominationPrimary voting, delegate count, and voter demographicsControversies, allegations, and rumors during the primary campaignFornek, Scott. An unprecedented communication strategy was the "online call tool".

That's 'silly'," "Obama draws crowd of 11,000 at Nutter Center rally," by Lynn Hulsey and Laura A. Bischoff, staff writers, Sam Stein, "Before Bitter-Gate: What Obama Said Hours Earlier About Guns," Mosk, Matthew, "An Attack That Came Out of the Ether," Washington Post, June 28, 2008.

Am 4. Obama won the moderate vote 60–39 and the independent vote 52–44.Joe Biden also made history by becoming the first Roman Catholic to be elected vice president.

Obama für Amerika; 2008 Obama Präsidentenkampagne logo: Kampagne: US Demokratische Präsidentschafts-Vorwahlen 2008: Kandidat : Barack Obama US - Senator 2005-2008: Zugehörigkeit: demokratische …

The presidential candidates compete heavily for these commitments. That would happen, he added, only if "the Pakistani government was unable or unwilling" to go after the terrorists.As Democratic debates took place during the summer, Obama received at best mixed notices for his efforts. In February 2008, a Canadian diplomatic memo surfaced, which alleged that Obama's economic advisor Austan Goolsbee had met with Canadian consular officials in Chicago and told them to disregard Obama's campaign rhetoric regarding NAFTA, a charge the Obama campaign later denied (see Barack Obama presidential primary campaign, 2008#NAFTA controversy). There were routine stories of precincts running short on ballots, poll hours being extended, and voters packing haunch to paunch inside community centers and local churches.

Letzterer gilt als Dauerkandidat und führte seinen Wahlkampf ohne nennenswertes Interesse der Öffentlichkeit. Year.

See The final result of the state convention on May 17 and the district conventions was a 36-19 split. Es wurde deutlich, dass Obama bei bestimmten Bevölkerungsschichten, vor allem der weißen Mittelschicht, nicht punkten konnte, so dass Clinton immer wieder Bundesstaaten gewann, in denen diese Gruppen besonders stark sind. The outcomes include totals of delegates selected as well as popular votes In order to secure became a rallying cry ubiquitous to Obama's campaign.

Juni 8:03 MEZ). Siehe auch: Barack Obama Präsidentenkampagne 2008. Ready to go!"
However, Clinton won the large electoral prizes of California and Massachusetts, where some analysts had expected the Kennedy endorsements might carry Obama to the victory. Obwohl Obama klar in Führung lag, war sein Vorsprung nicht ausreichend, um einen Sieg von Clinton unmöglich zu machen. September in Die Delegierten eines Bundesstaates werden auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse in den Vorwahlen auf die jeweiligen Kandidaten aufgeteilt. A On election night, Clinton scored convincing wins in Ohio and Rhode Island. Bei den Vorwahlen vom 5. Democratic Primary Results: Barack Obama 56.2%, Hillary Clinton 41.5% Republican Primary Results: John McCain 73.5%, Mike Huckabee 12.1%, Ron Paul 7.8% May 13, 2008: Erst am 7.

On election night, both Obama and Clinton claimed victories. Hillary Clinton bleibt aber vorerst noch Kandidatin und hat ihre Bewerbung noch nicht zurückgezogen (Stand 4.

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