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Die geplanten Verfassungsreformen würden Putin … A second quarantine could lead to street protests, and further crimp the Russian economy, already expected to Unemployed Russians might then turn their anger against the Kremlin, and Putin’s carefully constructed plans for eternal rule over Mother Russia could begin to unravel.It’s more likely then that the Kremlin will keep spinning statistics to downplay the threat, and let Russians enjoy their blissful ignorance. Am gestrigen Dienstag hatte der dortige Bürgermeister Sergej Sobjanin eingeräumt, dass im ganzen Land wohl deutlich mehr Menschen mit dem neuartigen Coronavirus infiziert seien. Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with members of his government via video link at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow, Russia, on Aug. 11, 2020.

April stattfinden sollte. So wird die kommende Woche in Russland als arbeitsfrei gelten, wobei die Löhne weiterbezahlt werden müssen. Die russische Hauptstadt untersagte zudem alle Veranstaltungen unter freiem Himmel. 11.000 neue Fälle in 24 Stunden Putin lockert Corona-Maßnahmen In Russland braucht man eine elektronische Genehmigung auf dem Handy, um das Haus verlassen zu dürfen. Helden der 70er bis 90er: SL, Z1, M5, Viper - Dorotheum-Auktion 29.8.2020. Senegals erste Profi-Surferin inspiriert mit Tabubruch"Soziale Nähe ist wichtiger als Business und Konsum"K-Kandidat? Samstag, 22. We wouldn’t be able to produce this crucial journalism without the support of our loyal readers. Per Ansprache Putin schickt Russen wegen Coronavirus bis Ende April in Zwangsurlaub . Wegen der Coronavirus-Pandemie gibt Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin dem Land eine Woche arbeitsfrei. Putin verkündet Anti-Corona-Plan. Muscovites are well aware that their corona freedom came about in anticipation of a July 1 vote on a new constitution that Putin needed to push through to potentially Instead, Putin is being thanked by Muscovites for having forced the mayor of Moscow to lift the lockdown earlier than planned, and his popularity has spiked.Russians are mostly just relieved to be free again, even though the country is still recording more than Crimea has become the new Ibiza, with flush Muscovites flocking to the rocky beaches of the disputed peninsula for their belated summer holidays. The Health Ministry has said it plans to begin mass production of the vaccine as soon as next month and launch a mass vaccination drive in October.“This morning, for the first time in the world, a vaccine against the new coronavirus was registered,” Putin said in a televised cabinet session broadcast.“I know that it’s effective and forms sustainable immunity,” he said. He said the only side effect she experienced was a high temperature of 38 degrees Celsius for one day.Its registration certificate on the Health Ministry website notes that the vaccine, an injection solution called “Sputnik-V,” will enter Experts, including an industry body representing multinationals that conduct clinical trials in Russia, have called the vaccine’s swift registration without completing Phase III trials a “Pandora’s box.”The World Health Organization last week urged Russia to follow established guidelines and go "through all the stages" necessary to develop a safe vaccine. Sie müssen Cookies in Ihrem Browser aktivieren und die Seite neu laden, um zustimmen zu können.Mit einem derStandard.at PUR-Abo kann die gesamte Website ohne zustimmungspflichtige Cookies und ohne Werbung genutzt werden. Our exclusives and on-the-ground reporting are being read and shared by many high-profile journalists. They might be even willing to grant him their assent for longer — as long as there isn’t another lockdown.Any talk about a new round of restrictions in the fall if cases spike after a summer of abandon could put an abrupt end to an otherwise happy conversation. "The aim of such fake stories is clear: to spread panic among the public," he said. "Deshalb bin ich der Meinung, dass die Abstimmung auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt verschoben werden sollte." The CEO of GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance says President Putin's claim to have found a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus needs to be studied. “They had more than 100,000 deaths while we had much fewer because of our superior medical care.”Besides the low official death count, there’s another reason for the local corona Perhaps given their brutal and violent history, Russians are more fatalistic than others, and more inclined to shrug at chaos, disasters and pandemics than actively change their behavior and take precautions to mitigate the dangers.So, while other countries roll back restrictions as infections spike, Russia’s opened up with a bang. "Die absolute Priorität für uns ist die Gesundheit, das Leben und die Sicherheit der Menschen", sagte er. Mit Inkrafttreten der neuen Verfassung würden die bisherigen Amtszeiten jedoch nicht mehr gezählt; Putin könnte erneut bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen 2024 und 2030 antreten - und somit bis 2036 im Amt bleiben. In seiner Ansprache kündigte er die Verlängerung des „arbeitsfreien“ Zeitraums bis 30. Präsident Putin hat sich in einer Fernsehansprache an das russische Volk gewandt und die Maßnahmen erläutert, die Russland nun treffen wird, um die Corona-Epidemie zu verlangsamen. Putin (M.) mit Moskaus Bürgermeister Sergei Sobyanin (2.r.) Jumlah kasus virus Corona di Rusia memang masih bertambah.

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