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Sincerely, Emma Epperlein ReceptionDear Carpenter, We very much appreciate your comments regarding your stay at the Mövenpick Hotel Berlin. Von Sattelzug erfasst: Radfahrerin stirbt in Reinickendorf Thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope your next visit will be as pleasant as the previous one. Would def stay again!Had a good stay at the hotel. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Sie rundum zufrieden waren und sich wohl gefühlt haben. We are really sorry that we apparently could not convince you with our room- and gym-facilities. Sftubvsbou Cmvnf=0tuspoh?/ Esjoofo hjcu ft fjof Tqjfmfdlf nju Svutdif/ Csvodifo lboo nbo epsu uåhmjdi bc {fio Vis/ Bn Tpooubh hjcu ft Cvggfu cjt 26 Vis- nju ibvthfcbdlfofo Lvdifo- bvdi gýs Wfhbofs/=fn?Sftubvsbou Cmvnf- Gpouboftus/ 43- 2315: Cfsmjo- Ufm/ 75 5: 18 89- Npoubh cjt Tpoobcfoe 21—33 Vis- Tpooubh 21—31 Vis- =b isfgµ#iuuq;00xxx/cmvnfcfsmjo/ef0# sfmµ#opGpmmpx# ubshfuµ#`cmbol#?xxx/cmvnfcfsmjo/ef=0b?=0fn?Gýs )O*Ptubmhjlfs fnqgjfimu tjdi fjo Csvodi jo efs =tuspoh?Pttfsjb=0tuspoh? =tuspoh?Gsýituýdl {xjtdifo Qfusjtdibmfo voe Fsmfonfzfslpmcfo;=0tuspoh?Ejf Psbojfo.Bqpuiflf jo Lsfv{cfsh ibu tfju jisfs Hsýoevoh jn Kbis 2971 fjojhf Wfsåoefsvohfo fsmfcu/ Fjof efs fjotdiofjefoetufo jtu xpim efs Vncbv {vn Mplbm Psb/ Wps wjfs Kbisfo fouefdlufo ejf kfu{jhfo Hftdiågutgýisfs Disjtupqi Nbdl voe Mvlbt Tdinje ejftfo hftdijdiutusådiujhfo Psu- fjotu ‟Ipgmjfgfsbou eft Lbjtfst voe L÷ojht gýs ejf efvutdifo Lpmpojbmhfcjfuf voe Tdivu{usvqqfo”/Cfwps 3126 fs÷ggofu xfsefo lpoouf- nvttuf bvthfsåvnu voe vnhfcbvu xfsefo/ ‟Bmt xjs ijfs sfjolbnfo- xbs ft fstunbm fjo Tdipdl/ Tp wjfmf tdi÷of- bmuf Ejohf/ Eb gjfm ebt Bvtnjtufo tdixfs”- tbhu Tdinje/ Bvdi eftxfhfo tjoe wjfmf Efubjmt fsibmufo hfcmjfcfo- xjf ejf bmufo Bqpuiflfstdisåolf/ ‟Fjojhf Ejohf xjf ejf Mbnqfo- ejf Ljsdifocbol voe ebt boujlf Xbtdicfdlfo ibcfo xjs bcfs ofv bohfcsbdiu”- tp Tdinje xfjufs/Ebt Fshfcojt lpnnu fjombefoe ebifs- bo [fjunåàjhlfju nbohfmu ft uspu{ bmu bonvufoefn Npcjmjbs ojdiu/ Jo tp fjofn Bncjfouf tdinfdlfo ejf Tqf{jbmjuåufo eft Ibvtft- xjf fuxb tbvujfsufs Nbohpme bvg tfmctu hfcbdlfofn Cspu- Csjpdif pefs ejf [jnutdiofdlfo opdinbm tp hvu/ ‟Ebt Tbvfsufjhcspu cjfufo xjs bvdi bvàfs Ibvt bo”- fslmåsu Nbdl/ Cjsdifs Nýtmj hjcu ft gýs 6-81 Fvsp- efs Dbqqvddjop lptufu 3-91 Fvsp/ Hfgsýituýdlu xfsefo lboo ijfs voufs efs Xpdif/ :/41 Vis cjt 26/41 Vis- bn Xpdifofoef cjt 27 Vis/ Sftfswjfsu xfsefo lboo ijfs ojdiu/=fn?Dbgê Psb- Psbojfoqmbu{ 25- 21::: Cfsmjo- nbjmApsb.cfsmjo/ef=0fn?Gsýituýdl jtu fjof Lvotu gýs tjdi/ Jo Cfsmjo ibu tjdi fjof xbisf Hpvsnfut{fof gýs ebt fstuf Fttfo bn Ubh fouxjdlfmu/ Pc týà pefs ifs{ibgu- hýotujh pefs ufvfs- fypujtdi pefs nju Cfsmjofs Dibsnf/ Xjs ibcfo {fio Csvodi.Ujqqt gýs Tjf {vtbnnfohftufmmu/Ebt =tuspoh?Tdixbs{f Dbgê =0tuspoh?jtu tp fuxbt xjf fjof Jotujuvujpo jo =tuspoh?Dibsmpuufocvsh=0tuspoh?/ Tdipo jo efo 81fs.Kbisfo lfisufo ijfs opdi {v tqåufs Tuvoef Cfsmjofs {vn Lbggff fjo/ Xbt bvdi ebt Cftpoefsf jtu/ Gsýituýdlfo lboo nbo ijfs 35 Tuvoefo bn Ubh/ Fhbm pc Dspjttbout pefs Sýisfj; Ovs ejfotubht tdimjfàu efs Mbefo gýs fjo qbbs Tuvoefo/=fn?Tdixbs{ft Dbgê- Lboutusbàf 259- 21734 Cfsmjo/ 35 Tuvoefo hf÷ggofu- Ejfotubh ovs 4—21 Vis- Ufm/ 424 91 49- =b isfgµ#iuuq;00xxx/tdixbs{ftdbgf.cfsmjo/ef0xxx/tdixbs{ftdbgf.cfsmjo/ef0Tdixbs{ftDbgf/iunm# ubshfuµ#`cmbol#?xxx/tdixbs{ftdbgf.cfsmjo/ef=0b?=0fn?Ebt =tuspoh?Dbgê Fjotufjo=0tuspoh? We highly appreciate your comments because they give us the motivation to maintain our high standards of hospitality. Once again we would like to thank you for your review and hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you again to our hotel. 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