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Primary causes include differences in culture, lack of informal communication, and lack of awareness among sites. Topic maps are used as a generic data model to organize and exchange domain knowledge. Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde . On the last day, the teams present their game idea in a Pecha Kucha presentation and demonstrate their game to all other students in the seminar. This unified model is highly traceable by design.

The goal is to develop an AppStore ready game with the main features implemented and well tested.

Projektkurs, der von uns in diesen Rahmen durchgeführt wird. Chair of Medical Materials and Implants. The aim of our research in this area is to discover synergies between behavioral analysis and software engineering through the realization of an intelligent learning framework. 4 tutors presented their tutorials and 26 students developed 13 iOS games, 12 of them are now in the iOS App Store: The seminar is a programming camp for students who want to learn games development for iOS. In the second week, teams of two students develop their first iOS game. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf den Einzelaktivitäten, die ein Programmierer durchführt wenn er ein bestehendes System warten muss. Das Ziel dieses Projekts ist es, mit Hilfe von empirischer Grundlagenforschung Erkenntnisse über den Verstehensprozess zu erlangen. During the course the team will develop an apealing game based on the infamous iOS platform.This Ferienakademie course further explores possibilities shown in our past projects This Ferienakademie course is not based on the usual seminar style, but requires active participation in the development of a prototype during the academy. This allows, in an attack incident, the ability to trace the complete transitive closure of the IT-resources affected and thus build the potential attack tree.Medusa is a framework for the secure sharing of digital information in a natural and flexible way, following well established work processes. Die Gruppe für Angewandte Softwaretechnik an der Technischen Universität München und die AG Softwaretechnik der Universität Bremen forschen im Projekt PUMBA auf dem Gebiet des Programmverstehens. Technical University of Munich Boltzmannstr. The orchestra adjusts to the tempo and volume according to the conductor's gestures.

The user is able to configure the orchestra. The research team for Simballo consists of psychologists as well as computer scientists.The TEAM project addresses the need for a knowledge sharing environment with advanced capabilities suitable for the distributed engineering and management of software systems. Additionally, many games, traditional e-Learning in particular, do not adapt to the learner’s individual needs, thus giving away one of the primary benefits game-based learning has to offer.This Ferienakademie course aims at adressing these problems and trying to remedy some.

Peter Löscher-Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsethik, TUM School of Education Oskar von Miller-Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftskommunikation, TUM School of Education in Kooperation mit dem Deutschen Museum Heinz Nixdorf-Stiftungslehrstuhl für Didaktik der Mathematik, TUM School of Education The vision of the URES project is a continuous decision process over the whole software life-cycle.PUMBA ist ein Kooperationsprojekt zwischen der Universität Bremen und der Technischen Universität München. In the first week, they learn basic concepts in Xcode and Swift in interactive tutorials as well as more advanced concepts of Cocoa Touch and games development, using Apple's new framework SpriteKit. Examples are the automatic reservation of parking lots via mobile phones, the remote diagnosis of car failures, and the realization of frequent driver incentive schemes. & FTI, Adesso, Bokowski+Laymann, Audi, Linova, Jaimie Jacobs and Kisi.This project has been realized in cooperation with Actiworks, Audi, B! ARENA is game independent in the sense that organizers can adapt a new game to the ARENA game interface, upload it to the ARENA server, and announce and conduct tournaments with players and spectators located anywhere on the Internet. Die Projektreihe wird in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Flughafen München durchgeführt und gibt Software Engineering Studenten die Möglichkeit, in einem realen Projekt mit einem realen Kunden Erfahrung zu sammeln.DOLLI 3 is a follow-up project of the successful projects DOLLI II is a follow-up project of the successful project Entwicklung eines Tracking- und Servicesystems in einer Kooperation zwischen dem Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Softwaretechnik der TU München und dem Flughafen München.The URML project is about creating a modeling language for requirements elicitation, the Unified Requirements Modeling Language.It is a joint effort of Siemens Corporate Technology and the Chair for Applied Software Engineering.URML unifies concepts from goal-oriented, feature-oriented, process-oriented, and risk-oriented approaches and integrates them with the classical view of functional and nonfunctional requirements. mobility@TUM: Nachhaltige Mobilität mobility@TUM ist eine Aktivität, die Wissenschaftler der TUM fakultätsübergreifend zusammenführt, um das vielschichtigen Problem nachhaltiger Mobilität (nicht nur) in urbanen Regionen anzugehen. While global projects are becoming more common in software development, collaboration among sites remains difficult.

6 tutors presented their tutorials and 26 students developed their first iOS games, some of them are now in the iOS App Store: The seminar is a programming camp for students who want to learn games development for iOS. Tel. The mechanic is also instructed by the system on the actual repair process to fix the car.This was the first demonstration system for the DWARF framework. We think RAV is a viable alternative for capturing and transporting fuzzy information.TeamWeaver aims to establish an efficient and seamless flow of information within development teams -- i.e.

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