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In addition, feedback allows you to adjust, which may meet the needs of your attendees and increase your overall viewership in the future.Get our latest article updates as soon as they are posted!Get our latest article updates as soon as they are posted!Turn any size of room into a video meeting space in minutes Alle funktionen ansehen Hören Sie Ihren Teilnehmern zu und nutzen Sie ihr Feedback zur Verbesserung Ihrer Webinare. Und das machen wir regelmäßig: Hier finden Sie unsere Webinare rund um das Thema Feedback, sowohl in Video- als auch in Podcast-Form. Do you wish to know what your audience thinks about your webinars?

More on that below.Pick and choose among these, or consider using all:Your views on the program are important to us. Ihre Webinar-Statistiken für Bewertungen und Kommentare abrufen, um Ihre Inhalte und Leistung zu verbessern. 6. Feedback is critical to employee and organizational success. Feedback webinar. Unsere „Realität“ kommt im Seminar gebührend zur Sprache und wird berücksichtigt. Keep in mind, though, that longer surveys – those that take more than a few minutes to complete – typically generate fewer responses, so if you’re looking for different feedback you may want to swap out questions rather than tacking on new ones.Mention the survey – and ask people to fill it in – just after the presentation has concluded, right before you start Q&A.Your attendees are engaged, they’ve either asked questions and are waiting to hear them answered, or are ready to participate in Q&A. Feedback helps you to determine what you might have done right and what you may have not done right. If you’re unaware of what your audience thinks about your webinar or you don’t know whether it meets their needs, then it is the right time to ask them for feedback. Fügen Sie bis zu 25 Fragen zu einer Umfrage hinzu und starten Sie sie an alle Teilnehmer für Feedback! Sie nehmen direkt von Ihrem PC aus teil und haben somit keine Anfahrtskosten und einen geringen Zeitaufwand. 1. iV transfer 1. This helps you in understanding their needs and how to cater for them by making ideal adjustments to your webinar presentations. Besides, ezTalks Webinar allows you to record a webinar, which will help you to share the recorded webinar video which will help the audience to recall and feedback webinars easily. Um das Feedback aktiv einzuholen, werden oft Feedback-Formulare abgegeben. Note that, when it comes to surveys, timing truly is everything. Please provide feedback on this session by completing this survey.Select: Immediately In 2-6 months In 7-12 months Never[If relevant: Additional comments about the breakout:]You can of course ask other questions to gain further insight into the needs and interests of your audience. Fragen werden gewürdigt und ausreichend beantwortet. Als Teilnehmer haben Sie im Webinar die Möglichkeit Ihre Fragen an die Experten zu stellen. Herzlichen Dank für die vielfältigen Videos, die das Lernpaket wunderbar abrunden und veranschaulichen. Unfortunately, sixty percent of employees say they have not received useful feedback in the past six months. 3. 2. Sie können dann entweder vorgefasste Fragen hinzufügen oder neue Fragen für Ihre Anmeldungsseite erstellen. Recipe for success: mention the survey at engaged moments in the webinar and send soon after.The answers help you identify improvements you could make to your webinars in general and the current presentation in particular.Responses to this question will confirm you’re focusing on the right issues and/or identify modifications you might want to make to the substance of your webinar.Questions on the length and pace of your program can help you understand how to adjust the delivery of your insight to make the session more relevant and interesting to your audience.This question is a good one to include because it helps you align your content calendar to the actual interests and needs of your targets.While it doesn’t need to appear on every survey, this question can help if you’re trying to understand what motivates your audience to sign up for your webinars.This is a useful question to include when you want to find out how well you’re attracting new participants to your programs.
In einem moderierten Chat erhalten Sie direktes Feedback von den Referenten. Engage your audience on a more human level with an interactive, data-rich webinar and multimedia content platform.Captivate prospects with live, interactive webinars and get real-time insights from their behavior.Drive more inbound leads through binge-worthy, on-demand hubs of multimedia content.Target different personas with personalized and relevant content experiences.Understand, track and measure every interaction with engagement analytics.Seamlessly deliver insights across your technology tools and business operations.There’s an ON24 solution for every business need. Business Webinar Feedback Form. Die Übungen / Beispiele / Rollenspiele sind praxisnah und helfen, das Gelernte am Arbeitsplatz anzuwenden.

Bei einer überschaubaren Gruppe kann es auch wertvoll sein, ein Feedback zum Webinar zu erfragen. If you continue to use the site you consent to our use of cookies in accordance with our Bieten Sie den Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit, über die Chatfunktion Fragen zu stellen. 389 Templates. Unsere Webinare werden professionell moderiert und sind interaktiv. Remember: with follow-up surveys, timing is everythingThis website uses cookies.

The worst time to first mention a survey is in an email when the webinar concludes. Let’s get started.In today’s data-conscious age, we all know that it’s critical to gather attendee feedback after your webinars.

By then, your audience is completely disengaged. Öffnen Sie auf der Seite "Veranstaltungsdetails" den Abschnitt "Teilnehmer einbeziehen". Conclusion The collection of webinar or seminar feedback is an essential move in the process of improving your webinars. Apart from knowing the right from the wrong, you’ll also get to know what your audience would like to hear and see. Erstellen Sie im Dashboard entweder ein neues Webinar oder öffnen Sie ein bestehendes. 2. Join Rusty Lindquist and Jacob Shriar as they discuss meaningful feedback as a critical engine to organizational evolution, employee satisfaction, cultural health, and performance. 3. Successful organizations depend on feedback, whether it comes from customers, the public, your own employees or for your events.

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