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A look into how Corporate Law LL.M.s are adapting to the shifting business landscape, and what graduates can expect for job prospectsWe take a closer look at the current LL.M. 367: 2: classique ... Jun 25, 2020 Saroyan: IPKM Maastricht University IPKM Maastricht University.

Because of the Corona crisis personal meetings and activities are not possible at the moment. I Civile, case n. 10300/20 (registered on May 29th), puts a hold on the proliferation of copyright protection and reasons that technical writings by lawyers - when functional to the provision of typical forensic services - cannot be protected. Online, if you need to. The faculty is located in an imposing building in the city centre, housing faculty staff, computer rooms and classrooms fully equipped with all electronic and other facilities. Culturally adaptable, positive and outgoing. You'll build the legal foundation and practical and technical skills to advance your career as a legal practitioner, European patent agent or manager in a knowledge-intensive industry. landscape for public international law and how to pick the best program.We meet three LL.M.

graduates to find out what they’ve done with their degreesA look into how Corporate Law LL.M.s are adapting to the shifting business landscape, and what graduates can expect for job prospectsWe take a closer look at the current LL.M.

Do you want to advance your international career in cross-border IP litigation practice, or to become an IP expert at the European Patent Office? Working together in small groups on relevant issues in an internationally-oriented setting remains at the core of our education.Are you wondering what it is like to study law at Maastricht University? Then the Advanced Master’s in Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge Management (IPKM) could be just the programme for you. The conflict between the search for a vaccine, and the artificial scarcity created by patent law, has created a catch-22 situation. After the successful completion of his bachelors, he is pursuing Advance Masters (LLM) in Intellectual Property Law & Knowledge Management from Maastricht University, Netherlands on a scholarship. landscape for public international law and how to pick the best program.We meet three LL.M.

An attorney...The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is arguably one of the biggest crises of modern times. The curriculum is structured to support a combination of working and studying.In spite of the current COVID-19 pandemic and all the challenges it poses, we will continue to use the Problem-based-Learning we are so well-known for. They believe that the minute they released the shutter, the pictures are copyright protected. Feb 06, 2020 74 Slightly B... 74: 0: Slightly B... Feb 06, 2020 Slightly B... UCLA - IP LLM 2020-2021 UCLA - IP LLM 2020-2021. In 2004, the University of Liège created an Advanced Master programme (LL.M.) The new US Shop Safe Bill introduces liability for online marketplaces, but only in case of counterfeit products that are risky for consumers, which makes this bill a preventive health measure for...Muzdalifah Faried Bakry (Indonesia), Intellectual Property Law & Knowledge ManagementAdvanced Master Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge Management (LLM/MSc)How will our teaching activities look like in September?

Students with work experience and working professionals are particularly encouraged to apply. you’ll get an LLM in European Law; How will our teaching activities look like in September?

LLM in European Competition and Intellectual Property Law * The market for Competition and Intellectual Property («IP») lawyers is booming. The faculty’s central location in the city centre, with its numerous pavement cafes, bars and restaurants, and the proximity of several other faculties, makes it an authentic inner-city campus. It is also possible to arrange a meeting via chat/Skype.Find out what it's like to live and study in Maastricht:In the support section, you can find out more about practical matters and UM regulations, such as:Experience Maastricht University: find out more about one of the most international universities in Europe, immerse yourself in your programme of choice, and explore our beautiful city.To make sure that you will have a good and pleasant start or your study, the Faculty of Law organises a (...To make sure that you will have a good and pleasant start or your study, the Faculty of Law organizes a (...To make sure that you will have a good and pleasant start or your study, the Faculty of Law organises a (...The Italian Supreme Court of Cassation sez. Then the Advanced Master’s in Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge Management (IPKM) could be just the programme for you. Are you fascinated by the ins and outs of intellectual property protection systems in the EU, US, Asia and beyond? MSc IPKM at Maastricht vs. LLM in IP Law at TU Dresden MSc IPKM at Maastricht vs. LLM in IP Law at TU Dresden. LLM candidate in Intellectual Property at Maastricht University. The IP, ICT, and media sectors are rapidly evolving and highly complex sectors. The Advanced Master’s in Intellectual Property Law focuses on the legal dimensions of intellectual property, patent rights and industrial technology. LLB. This programme addresses the increasing demand for qualified legal practitioners in these sectors. The “Master of Intellectual Property and ICT Law” provides a 1 or 2 year in-depth study of European IP, ICT and Media Law, in Brussels, the heart of Europe.

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